Thursday, November 13, 2008

Text-Talk, Changing Our Language

Since the dawn of time, the English language has been constantly changing. A current trend is "txt tlk;" for example "idk"- I don't know, and "u"- you. Basically, abbreviations of words.
As two students in Colorado, we are creating a mockumentary. A mockumentary is documentation of facts from the past/present, with our predictions of the future. Our mockumentary is about how the English language is changing in both written and spoken forms.
We want to ask your opinion on these changes, and how they could affect the future, for better or for worse. Do you see any wrongs with text talk? Do you think it should be allowed in everyday writing (yes, including school)? Do you think more words will be combined or condensed to create shorter words? Where do you think the future of our language will lead us to?
Once we have more posts, we will try to post our final version of our project so that you can see it.